
Workshop 5 - Open Data, Materials and Code

Check Out the Source Code! Learn more about the Re:produce workshop

About this workshop

This workshop introduces how you can make your research data, materials and code open and available. We intend to introduce the concept of a research compendium as a means to ensure that these these goals are met and why you would want to share your materials openly. To help familiriase participants, information on FAIR compendia (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), using tools such as Jupyter notebooks and R Markdown for organising your materials and GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Figshare, Zenodo, OSF and others for sharing them openly will be presented.

The main presentation will be delivered by Associate Professor Emerson M. Del Ponte, @edelponte, from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) Brazil on his experiences using research compendia and pre-prints for making data, materials and code open and available.

A panel discussion will include Dr. Francis Gacenga, A/Prof Adam H. Sparks, A/Prof Emerson M. Del Ponte and Ms Belinda Weaver (Griffith University), @cloudaus.

Attendees will then have the opportunity to create a research compendium using OSF using either their own materials, or a set of materials provided by us for this exercise.

By the end of this workshop users will have learned what tools are available to make their research data, materials and code open and available. To aid in this, we have put together a website with more information from the workshop with further suggested reading on the topic of research compendia and other resources that can be useful for participants to refer to,

We have created this website using these tools: blogdown, RStudio, GitHub and Netlify and released it under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, these materials are available through OSF, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/8CSZW.

All of the code and materials are available from GitHub,

Talks for this Session

Hands-on with OSF projects for sharing open codes, data and materials

Associate Professor Sparks will lead a hands-on session to work through creating an OSF project to share your codes, data and …

Organize, document and share research data and codes using R

Dr Del Ponte will share how he uses R to organize his data and code to be open.

Hands-On Activity

In this hands-on activity we will go through setting up an OSF account (if you do not already have one), upload materials to OSF, documenting them with metadata and create a very brief research compendium that describes the data set to upload to OSF to create a complete research compendium and repository for sharing.

The downloadable file,, contains five files. These files will be used in a hands-on exercise where you create your own research compendium using these files, or your own files if you wish. The downloadable zip file includes the following files that can be used if you do not have your own:

  • example-manuscript.docx - An example MS Word document manuscript

  • example-manuscript.Rmd - An example RMarkdown file to generate an MS Word document

  • example-script.R - An example R script that imports data, munges it and creates a graph

  • pop_density_change.png - An example figure used in the example manuscript

  • population_density_per_square_km.csv - Population density data, Source: UN World Population Prospects through
